+#Tetris for AVR microcontrollers and cascading LED matrix based on MAX7219 IC driver
-![Image of Yaktocat](https://repository.interplaymedium.org/AVR-LED-Tetris/LEDtetris.avi.gif)
+Created for [Interplay Medium™](https://interplaymedium.org) project
-Please read wiki to find step by step instrictions
+![Interplay Medium™ AVR LED Tetris](https://repository.interplaymedium.org/AVR-LED-Tetris/LEDtetris.avi.gif)
+[Full video with sound](https://repository.interplaymedium.org/AVR-LED-Tetris/LEDtetris.avi)
-how to compile and flash it to Arduino:
+## Wiring
-General instructions for Adruino + AXOD microserver integration:
+ LED PCB pinout | GND | Click | CS load | Din | Snd | +5v
+ -------------- | --- |------ | ------- | --- | --- | ---
+ Arduino pins | GND | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 |+5v
+## Compile and flash
+Compiled and tested on AVR Atmega 168 (Arduino Diecimila)
+ ./make
+ ./flash
+ screen <path to your device> 9600
+Use arrow keys to play
+Read wiki for details
+- [How to compile and flash](https://wiki.interplaymedium.org/index.php/InterplayMedium/LEDTetris) it with Arduino
+- [General instruction](http://wiki.interplaymedium.org/index.php/InterplayMedium/AxonAmpArduino) for Adruino + IM AXOD microserver integration
+## Extras
+Please find mask template + nice stickers [here](https://repository.interplaymedium.org/AVR-LED-Tetris/cover.svg)
+## License
+Copyright © 2010 Dmitry Shalnov [interplaymedium.org]
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+you may not use this files except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at